Dec 28, 2010

Happy Holidays to you!

We wish you all Happy Holidays! and the best Winter ever....let the magic of this season make all your dreams come true!!!
Love to all my family, kisses to all my dear friends, hugs to everyone following my blog and see you soon in 2011!

Va dorim tutror Sarbatori Fericite! si sa aveti parte de cea mai buna iarna... fie ca magia acestor sarbatori sa va implineasca toate visele!!!
Toata dragostea familiei mele! Multi pupici prietenilor mei! si imbratisari tuturor care urmaresc cu drag blogul meu. 
Va multumesc si va mai astept pe aici in 2011!

Oct 25, 2010

My baby girl is 4 years old!!!

Happy Birthday! I love you, I love you, I love you....
I never thought that being a mother is so special and emotional

Oct 20, 2010


A little girl who made lots of people pray continuously for her health. Bianca had to fight with a serious disease, a horrible diagnostic took her happy days away for some time. But she proved to be a very strong kid, passing through days and nights that none of her family wants to remember and live again. 
And now this smile, this happiness in her eyes will ensure her bright and healthy future...

Cand o privesti nu-ti vine sa crezi ca aceasta minunata fetita a facut sute de oameni sa se roage in continuu pentru sanatatea ei. Bianca a avut de luptat cu o boala grava, acest diagnostic furandu-i zilele ei de copilarie pentru o bucata buna de timp.
Insa ea a demonstrat ca este o fetita puternica, trecand peste acele zile si nopti de cosmar de care nimeni din familie nu vrea sa-si mai aminteasca sau sa le mai retraiasca.
Si acum, acest zambet, aceasta fericire in ochisorii ei ii va garanta un viitor mare si sanatos.

Sep 30, 2010

Laura...the beauty in bloom

I didn't update for very long time...had no free seconds...believe me. Hope to be back on line and to share with you several new and old images.

Laura...she is very close to my heart. I couldn't find any other description then the beauty in bloom, looking at her you can really feel that...the way she looks, the story she wants to tell, she is a great girl. I love her and I love her family very much. Kisses my darling.

Nu am trecut pe aici de foarte mult timp...credeti-ma nu am avut nici un minut liber. Sper sa revin cu mai multe imagini mai vechi sau mai noi, sa pot sa le impart aici cu voi.

Laura...un sufletel foarte drag mie. Nu am putut sa-i gasesc o alta descriere decat "o frumusete in flori", odata ce o privesti poti simti asta din plin...cum te priveste, ceea ce are sa-ti spuna. E o fata de nota 10. O iubesc enorm, precum iubesc toata familia ei. Pupici draga mea.

Jul 26, 2010

Mira...poppy flower

Mira...I know her since she was a little girl, right the age of my sweet Letitzia.
She grew up quite fast, and I love what I see. She was my poppy flower, it looks like they do a great match.
I enjoyed capturing her innocent looks and moves. So nice to see and observe the girls in this transition period :) Kisses and hugs!

more here

Jul 19, 2010


A cute girl. Mature. Strong and sensual in the same time. Enjoyed her posing. Will be looking to do it again. Hugs Katya!

Jun 7, 2010


A great Sunday the heart of nature with dear friends. Of course I didn't lose the moment to capture some great pictures.
I was planning to take photos of her since her birthday and never succeeded, by yesterday. A happy day! A sweet angel, a perfect baby:) Sofia, all my kisses to you!

Am avut o duminica natura, in afara orasului, intr-o companie superba de prieteni dragi. Nu am pierdut momentul sa prind niste clipe.

Acest pui dulce imi tot promit sa-l fotografiez de cand s-a nascut si nu am mai ajuns...pana sfarsit...o mica iubire...Sofia

Jun 1, 2010

Family photoshooting - part 3 of 3

And the last family ...

Artyom is definitely a real gentleman in miniature. All the flowers, twigs and dandelions were gifted to me. With a sweet smile, with seducing eyes, Artyom surely will stay for long in my memory. Artyom's mom and dad is a very nice and charismatic couple. Thank you!

Si in sfarsit a treia familie.
Un cavaler adevarat. Am primit o placere enorma. Toate floricelele, toate crengutele si papadiile mi-au fost daruite mie. Cu un zambet dulce, cu ochisori cuceritori, cu un pas sigur Artiom mi-a ramas pe mult timp in amintire. Mami si Tati lui Artiom un cuplu foarte dragut si carismatic. 

May 28, 2010

Family photoshooting - part 2 of 3

I'd like to continue and present you my second family that I have enjoyed working with. A beautiful mother and 2 great boys. Leonid - a speedy Gonzales and Sandu - an angelic look thought with character that can be seen in his look. Adorable kids! Hugs!

more here...mai multe aici

In continuare la seria fotografiilor de la actiunea de caritate vreau sa va prezint a doua familie. O mamica frumoasa cu 2 baieti. Leonid, un speedy Gonzales si Sandu, un baietel cu o imagine angelica desi cu caracter care se poate citi in privirea sa. Niste copii minunati! O imbratisare calda!

May 26, 2010


I was browsing my photos last night, selecting some for an upcoming exhibition. I almost forgot about these images, taken on 1st of June 2008.
She is my sunshine, she is my everything. I was so excited to recall those happy baby days, her short hair, that smile. She is my battery charger, sharing her love and energy. She is an amazing kid.

I love you my sweet girl!

Let me share with you these great moments

more here...mai multe aici

Noaptea trecuta eram in cautarea unor fotografii pentru o expozitie foto. Uitasem de aceste imagini. Ciudat dar le-am fotografiat de ziua copiilor in 1 iunie 2008 si din coincidenta aceasta este si tema expozitiei.
Ea este tot ceea ce am eu mai scump pe lume. Am fost atat de emotionata sa-i revad acesti carlionti, tunsura scurta, aceste mutrisoare...aceste zile fericite de beblus. Ea este incarcatorul meu cand bateriile mele sunt la pamant. Ma incarca cu dragostea ei si energia nemarginita. Este un copil minunat, superb, cel mai cel mai....

Te iubesc tutziunelu...  

Am placerea sa ma impart cu voi cu aceste momente deosebite.

May 25, 2010

Family photoshooting - part 1 of 3

At the beginning of May, in one of weekends I was invited to help shooting for a charity action "Share a smile". more info
The money paid for our work went in the fund of a boy that is very ill. I was happy to be involved and be able to help a kid and his parents. I will never understand why kids should be sick, ill or even die. I will never accept and forgive it.

I had the pleasure to meet 3 wonderful families and only boys! It was thrilling for me, a mother of a little girl:)

I will present you the images in separate posts

Please meet Timur, a little baby boy! Partly sleepy, but very curious, we got wonderful captures of his cute grimaces. His mom and dad - young and positive couple. Enjoyed a lot their company!

La inceputul lui Mai, in unul din weekenduri, am fost invitata sa particip la o actiune de caritate "Daruieste un zambet"  more info
Banii platiti pentru munca noastra au mers intr-un fond de caritate pentru un baiat bolnav (despre Eldar) Am fost foarte fericita ca am putut participa si de a ajuta acest copil precum si parintii sai. Nu voi intelege niciodata de ce copiii trebuie sa fie bolnavi si mai rau, sa moara. Nu voi accepta si nu voi ierta niciodata.

Am avut placerea sa intalnesc 3 familii minunate, si toate cu baieti:) A fost captivant fiind o mamica de fetita:)

Am sa va prezint fotografiile in postari separate.

Va rog sa-l admirati pe Timur, o minune de bebe! Un pic somnoros, insa foarte curios, am reusit sa prindem niste momente deosebite ale grimaselor sale. Mami si tati lui - un cuplu tanar si pozitiv. Am primit o enorma placere!