Oct 25, 2010

My baby girl is 4 years old!!!

Happy Birthday! I love you, I love you, I love you....
I never thought that being a mother is so special and emotional

Oct 20, 2010


A little girl who made lots of people pray continuously for her health. Bianca had to fight with a serious disease, a horrible diagnostic took her happy days away for some time. But she proved to be a very strong kid, passing through days and nights that none of her family wants to remember and live again. 
And now this smile, this happiness in her eyes will ensure her bright and healthy future...

Cand o privesti nu-ti vine sa crezi ca aceasta minunata fetita a facut sute de oameni sa se roage in continuu pentru sanatatea ei. Bianca a avut de luptat cu o boala grava, acest diagnostic furandu-i zilele ei de copilarie pentru o bucata buna de timp.
Insa ea a demonstrat ca este o fetita puternica, trecand peste acele zile si nopti de cosmar de care nimeni din familie nu vrea sa-si mai aminteasca sau sa le mai retraiasca.
Si acum, acest zambet, aceasta fericire in ochisorii ei ii va garanta un viitor mare si sanatos.