Jan 12, 2010


I had the pleasure to participate at a photo exhibition in December organized by Cinematographers Union of Moldova. These are my old shots, but the one that can express the way of seeing my world.

 In luna decembrie am avut ocazia sa particip la o expozitie organizata de catre Uniunea Cineastilor din RM

Jan 1, 2010


Letitzia is my little wonder that has awakened in me the desire to photograph, which I guess was laying inside for long time...
I am grateful to her and I will always be. I don't see my life without her.
I took me a while to start a blog. I did it finally. Only issue is the language, some of my friends and visitors understand only English other Romanian either Russian.
I'll write for all of you in English but for my Mom I'll do it in Romanian as well:))

Letiţia, este acea minune mica care a trezit in mine dorinta de a fotografia, care banuiesc ca a zacut in mine mai multi ani... Ii sunt recunoscatoare si mereu ii voi fi.
Mi-a trebuit mai mult timp ca sa ma hotarasc asupra unui blog.
Ce va iesi din asta vom vedea:)
Unica problema este limba scrisa...am prieteni care vorbesc exclusiv engleza, altii romana si unii rusa. Pentru toti voi scri in Engleza si special pentru mamica mea voi scri in Romana:)

Welcome everyone!