Jun 7, 2010


A great Sunday outdoor...in the heart of nature with dear friends. Of course I didn't lose the moment to capture some great pictures.
I was planning to take photos of her since her birthday and never succeeded, by yesterday. A happy day! A sweet angel, a perfect baby:) Sofia, all my kisses to you!

Am avut o duminica frumoasa...la natura, in afara orasului, intr-o companie superba de prieteni dragi. Nu am pierdut momentul sa prind niste clipe.

Acest pui dulce imi tot promit sa-l fotografiez de cand s-a nascut si nu am mai ajuns...pana ieri...in sfarsit...o mica iubire...Sofia

Jun 1, 2010

Family photoshooting - part 3 of 3

And the last family ...

Artyom is definitely a real gentleman in miniature. All the flowers, twigs and dandelions were gifted to me. With a sweet smile, with seducing eyes, Artyom surely will stay for long in my memory. Artyom's mom and dad is a very nice and charismatic couple. Thank you!

Si in sfarsit a treia familie.
Un cavaler adevarat. Am primit o placere enorma. Toate floricelele, toate crengutele si papadiile mi-au fost daruite mie. Cu un zambet dulce, cu ochisori cuceritori, cu un pas sigur Artiom mi-a ramas pe mult timp in amintire. Mami si Tati lui Artiom un cuplu foarte dragut si carismatic.