Jun 16, 2011

My first tries on film...

I am so happy for having this experience. Only now I can see the difference between digital and film. I want to do it again and again....Love the density, the texture...it gives me such a taste...

Olga, a sensual girl... we had only 30 minutes to spend together and it was mainly improvisation. I had no ideas in front. I like the results. Please enjoy!

May 18, 2011

My flower girl

Vin in graba sa va arat o serie noua cu cel mai minunat model Letisor si prietenul sau Alin. Duminica avand aparatul la indemana mi-a venit inspiratia sa-i vanez un pic...sunt intr-atat de dulci, inocenti si plini de viata. Letitia imi umple bateriile zi de zi!

aaa, am uitat sa o mentionez si pe Tinca, catelul nostru, prietena fidela a familiei intregi....

Apr 18, 2011

Spring desire....

In asteptarea primaverii care s-a lasat mult asteptata, mi-a venit inspiratia de a revizui niste imagini de anul trecut cu my dear Laura:)

Feb 1, 2011

Mon Violon

I needed inspiration and a great friend of mine helped me to find the right way:)
I found it...Le Violon d'Ingres, author Man Ray. I enjoyed studying his works, not only in photography, besides that I reviewed the great works of Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. They both gave me even more inspiration for some future photographs.
But let's get back to the violin. I love Man Ray's violin because of its shape, it has an air of aristocracy and it is significant. I tried to reproduce it, I must recognize my photograph has more modernism and I will probably say that I prefer the curves of my violin:) which one You like most?

Eram in cautare de inspiratie si o bunatate de prietena m-a ajutat sa o gasesc. 
Le Violon d'Ingres, a lui Man Ray. 
Am explorat cu interes lucrarile lui, si nu doar in fotografie. Ba mai mult el m-a provocat sa revad cu o enorma placere lucrarile lui Jean Auguste Dominique Ingres. De la ei am primit si mai multa inspiratie pentru viitor.
Revenind la viorile noastre:) Vioara lui Man Ray imi place prin forma sa, prin aerul sau aristocratic, ceea ce este suficient de semnificativ. Am incercat sa reproduc originalul in felul meu, trebuie sa recunosc ca imaginea mea are mai mult modernism si totusi prefer liniile vioarei mele:) Si tie care-ti este mai draga?